life through a viewfinder

Airport Open House

Posted in Uncategorized by Emily on June 21, 2008

I’ve been feeling a little off my game all morning, so it wasn’t any huge surprise to me that my pictures weren’t as great as they could have been. I got a few good shots of some people in the cockpit of one of the planes, but they refused to give me their names or be featured in any sort of publication. I think that has to be the toughest part of the job… people who hate you just because you’re the media. Or maybe it’s just because I have a nose ring.

air 2

air vert



Posted in Uncategorized by Emily on February 7, 2008

E-town was hit pretty hard in some areas last night. Half of the town lost power, the roof was ripped off of the high school in some places, and family homes were destroyed.

Of everything I saw, the school was the worst.





Power lines were down every where. I had a lot of trouble here, because I was so worried about keeping my camera dry that I had to hail mary everything.


Construction crews got on top of fixing the school at day break.


